lunes, 16 de abril de 2012


The african americans are residents of the United States who have african ancestors. they are considered the larges racial minority of this country. the first african people in the united states were slaves, that's one of the reasons why african americans are discriminated, and probably because of that they don't always have the same rights that any other resident would have. and as i said, this subculture is a huge part of the united states, and it has provided so many things to this country when it comes to culture. in dance, music, art and many other things. this community has created distinctive language patterns. the african american subculture has their own neighborhoods, most of them are self-sufficient, it means that every aspect is maintained by african americans. and when this is not happening they get government support, but the problem is that this support is not always enough. so I'm not saying african american are having a bad time in the united states, because actually their standard of living is getting better as the time goes. and now that the president belongs to the subculture, this is getting more respect and value.
Today, the biggest problem for african americans is racial and social discrimination, and because of this two little things, huge problems and conflicts between american and african americas are so common. they used to have a lot of problems with education, and I'm not saying they're not longer there, but is has stopped over the years. like many other problems they had in the past.
african american are very expressive people and they're nice people as long as you treat them with the respect they deserve. i don't know if I'm wrong but in my opinion they're like on the defensive because of the problems they have had over the years, because of they're whole history.
thank you

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